Sunday, January 31, 2010

It's Crunch Time

It just happens to be serendipitous that the name of my marketing blog and my first post coincides with what many believe to be "crunch time" in the U.S. economy. For a very good snap shot at why, check out this article on Business Insider.

I'm certainly not a fatalist though, but it does serve to make a larger point - in building a sustainable company, there will always be incredible challenges, even ones seemingly out of our control, or are they? Even in this circumstance, brand extension and demand expansion exist with the right marketing and sales strategy and execution, operating in what I refer to as a "crunch time" model. Yes, the two are very much intertwined and there needs to be total alignment between them from a strategic and operational perspective, including positioning, segmentation, campaign execution and measurement, with marketing adopting the sense of urgency found in great sales organizations.